
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Screening for Pancreatic Cancer

Screening Pancreatic Cancer, will saving lives

Learn the risk factors and symptoms of pancreatic cancer.
This is pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is a disease where malignant cells form in the tissues of the pancreas (The pancreas is located behind your stomach). This boy named Jack Andraka created a way to drop the death rate of the painful disease called pancreatic cancer by creating a screening when he was just fifteen years old. He first created this screening because his close uncle died from it. Then after he wanted to help others have their special person to still be alive. “It was after a close family friend died of pancreatic cancer that Jack Andraka became interested in finding a better early-detection diagnostic test. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is usually detected too late to save the patient” (Aronson). This shows that he was affected from this terrible disease. This disease causes a ripple effect because it affects all the people around them. His uncle dying affected him, and he made something good happen out of something bad. It caused him to realize he could help others with people who had the disease just like his uncle.  “By switching out that antibody, you can look at a different protein, thus, a different disease -- potentially any disease in the entire world. So that ranges from heart disease, to malaria, HIV, AIDS, as well as other forms of cancer -- anything. And so, hopefully one day, we can all have that one extra uncle, that one mother, that one brother, sister, we can have that one more family member to love. And that our hearts will be rid of that one disease burden that comes from pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer, and potentially any disease.” (Andraka). He wants to help people with his inventions, so that they could have that extra loved one that he does not have and wishes that he has.
He created his invention in a lab called Johns Hopkins. When screening started it was around 800 dollars for a screening and even more for the treatment. He has created a way to screen pancreatic cancer for only 3 cents. All you have to do is pour some water into a bowl, pour in some nano-tubes, and antibodies, mix it up, take some paper, dip it, dry it, then you can detect cancer. It is so simple and then scientists can save so many patients' lives.
If the FDA approves this invention, it will saves many lives, causing the population to increase. “This sensor could potentially lift the pancreatic cancer survival rates from a dismal 5.5 percent to close to 100 percent,” (Andraka). This shows that we can make a difference in how people live. This can change the global society because now more people will live and there will be more healthy people, and people may even live longer. “Jack Andraka’s test is 28 times faster, 26,000 times less expensive and over 100 times more sensitive than the current diagnostic tests. And, in case that’s not impressive enough, the test also works for ovarian and lung cancer.” (Aronson) It is affordable so even poor people can be saved. This is accurate and fast, meaning more people will live. This invention can be used for everyone. Pancreatic cancer is not just a problem in the US, but everywhere, so this invention can help people all around the world. This continues to show that this invention can have a big impact, it just needs to be put on the market.
When Jack created this invention he had plans to change the world, but he also started a movement by inspiring others through the internet. He encouraged other scientists so they could spread their ideas. “But through the Internet, anything is possible. Theories can be shared, and you don't have to be a professor with multiple degrees to have your ideas valued. It's a neutral space, where what you look like, age or gender -- it doesn't matter. It's just your ideas that count. For me, it's all about looking at the Internet in an entirely new way, to realize that there's so much more to it than just posting duck-face pictures of yourself online. (Laughter) You could be changing the world.” (Andraka). This shows that we can do something great and change the way we live because today most of the time the public just post pictures of themselves. He wants us to use the internet to share data and then more diseases can be helped, more people will live, it will be a better society, and better world. With medical information online. We can empower others to do something with information from social media. Everything we need can be on the internet we just have to work together.
Right now pancreatic cancer is still killing tens of thousands of people. This invention will help so many people it just needs to be put out there. “It is estimated that 41,780 deaths (21,450 men and 20,330 women) from this disease will occur this year. Pancreatic cancer is the ninth most common cancer in women and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in men and women.” (Pancreatic Cancer: Statistics). 41,780 people can be saved with this invention. Meaning a better society that can delete diseases off of our planet. We are still waiting for things to improve because back in 2013 he made us a promise to help others and things has not gone into approval. The screening was invented in 2012 but has not been released to the public. It says it will be released in about 2023 because the process of putting medicine/ screening on the market takes about 10 years. This has to brought to public’s attention thousands of people are dying. We as a community, need to stop worrying about money and worry about those who we can survive with this screening. This invention will save so many lives once it is put on the market.
Right now other scientists are coming up with ways to find way to screen cancer even sooner. For example, they are coming up with some new technique for new screenings, like selfies. In the past (renaissance) an invention that reminds me of this screening is the microscope because this was revolutionary. Because they then they were figuring out that there is such a thing of germ.  So they started this idea of health and cures. And without this invention of a microscope, there would be no such thing as a screening for cancer.
So imagine a world where pancreatic cancer, and all diseases are gone. This is the world Jack Andraka envisioned when he created the screening. He has worked hard to find a solution. It is up to us to convince to FDA for it to be on the market.

Work Cited
Aronson, Brad. “Jack Andraka — 15-Yr-Old Jack Andraka Invents Cancer Test 10X More Sensitive & 26,000X Cheaper than Current Tests.” Brad Aronsons Blog Jack Andraka 15YrOld Jack Andraka Invents Cancer Test 10X More Sensitive 26000X Cheaper than Current Tests Comments,
Andraka, Jack. “A Promising Test for Pancreatic Cancer ... from a Teenager.” Jack Andraka: A Promising Test for Pancreatic Cancer ... from a Teenager | TED Talk, Ted Talk,
“Pancreatic Cancer: Statistics.” Cancer.Net, American Society of Clinical Oncology, 27 Sept. 2017,
Rutson, Victoria Manax. “Pancreatic Cancer: Could You Be at Risk?”, 5 Dec. 2016,


  1. What has he been doing after his invention?

    1. He has been traveling to different public events to get his screening out. And he went off to college. He has also been working with pharmacies to get his pancreatic cancer screening approved by the FDA.

  2. I love how this invention can possibly save the lives of many people. Would this screening detect different forms of cancer other than pancreatic cancer?

  3. Yes this will also help other diseases like cancer. “By switching out that antibody, you can look at a different protein, thus, a different disease -- potentially any disease in the entire world. So that ranges from heart disease, to malaria, HIV, AIDS, as well as other forms of cancer -- anything." (Andraka)
