
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Supersonic Jet

    Want to travel to Paris just for the day and be back for dinner the same night? or on a business trip and be back to tuck in your kids for bed?

        the supersonic jets are able to go mock 2 wich is faster than a normal comercial airliner  This innovation is a supersonic jet. This will be available in 2023 for commercial flights. Invented by Boom supersonic that is located in Denver Colorado.  There is a massive need for this invention because you can go on daily business trips which would expand international business and make the market more suitable.  You can also be exposed to new culture because you can go to Paris be there in three hours instead of 12 and be back for dinner. The world would be in touch with one another.

       You could travel at mack 1.8 and be back for dinner with your kids.
       This company was motivated to make this invention because it is a new way of air transportation. "you can go to Paris and be back for dinner." You can travel to Paris in a day for business. "you could make business travel more widely spread and you can make international business more available." This will change the world for the better because you can travel to different places for business and you could get more culture in your life and it would be faster and cheaper.



  1. "You can also be exposed to new culture because you can go to Paris be there in three hours instead of 12 and be back for dinner." It's crazy that traveling at this speed will soon be possible. Are there any possible dangers to traveling at this speed? Will these planes be as reliable as what we have now?.

  2. That's amazing! It's insane to believe that in just a couple hours you can go from one part of the world to another. Do you know how often you will need to refuel your jet?
