
Friday, October 27, 2017

Self Driving Cars

Driver-less cars seem like a thing of the future, but these autonomous cars will become a reality not very long from now. Created by Sebastian Thurn and his team, Google began a project in 2009 that not only will save lives but will provide a big step into futuristic and autonomous technologies. Google self-driving cars have transformed into the company Waymo, which stands for a new way forward in mobility. The company is based in Mountain View, California. Hopefully, this innovation will be sold soon, as public trials of the car have been held throughout 2017 in Phoenix, Arizona. is based in Mountain View, California. Hopefully, this innovation will be sold soon, as public trials of the car have been held throughout 2017 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Image result for self driving cars Self-driving cars aren't just futuristic fun, they are an invention that can change the whole world for the better. In the graphic above, you can see Waymo's mission to combine a huge problem and new technology, to produce a radical solution that can change the world.
     The huge problem is that millions of people die in car crashes, and 94% of car crashes are because of humans. If humans don't have control of the car and the technology does, a crash would be much less likely. People's lives would be saved.

     What Motivated the Inventor? Why was this Invented in a Certain Part of the World?

In my opinion, Sebastian Thurn's motivation for this invention was most likely to prevent deaths from car crashes. Being based in California, in America, he probably sees accidents on a daily basis. The Waymo website states:
   “From our beginnings as the "Google self-driving car project", we’ve been working to make our roads safer, free up people’s time, and improve mobility for everyone. Now, as an independent company, Waymo is more committed than ever to the same goal.” As you can see, that clearly supports my argument. Another source says,  “More people die in car crashes each year in the United States than in other high-income countries, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report Wednesday." It makes sense why the invention of self-driving cars would be invented in America.

Why are Self-Driving Cars Important to the Global Community?

Self-Driving Cars are important all over the world because they save lives. Personally, it was surprising seeing how much of an impact they can make. One website says, “Researchers estimate that driver-less cars could, by mid century, reduce traffic fatalities by up to 90 percent.” Since annual car accident fatalities are up in the millions, 90% is huge. Another source says, ‘’As The Atlantic reports, automated cars could save up to 300,000 lives per decade in the United States. Their reporting is based on this research paper by consulting firm McKinsey & Co., which is filled with fascinating ways that self-driving cars will help us accident-prone humans by mid century.” This further supports how many lives will be saved with this invention.

How will this Invention Change the World?

There will be both a positive and negative impact on the world. Self-Driving Cars will most likely be electric, which will definitely cut down on emissions and air pollution. This can greatly improve the conditions of the ozone layer and help slow global warming. One of the sources I found states, “A recent report by the Intelligent Transportation Society of America projects that so-called intelligent transportation systems (ITS) could achieve a 2 to 4 percent reduction in oil consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions each year over the next 10 years as these technologies percolate into the market.” A 2 to 4 percent reduction may seem like nothing, but in 10 years, that could be anywhere from 20 to 40 percent less oil consumption and emissions. 
Sadly, there are some negative sides to this. If cars can drive by themselves, there won't be a need for trucker drivers anymore. The same goes for taxi drivers. Millions of jobs will be lost and the economy will have to cope with that. One source sums it up very well: 
“The shift will lead to a critical discussion about employment, welfare and universal income. “It’s going to be the tipping point of when politicians are going to start talking about how technology is disrupting jobs in our country,” says Stern. But trucking is just the tip of the iceberg. We’re seeing automation of labor across every industry, including manufacturing, wealth management and medicine. GDP is rising but no longer producing wage growth. We’re heading towards mass unemployment at the hands of technology.”

Image result for glasses from the 1300s

How does this invention compare to one from the Renaissance?

    Self-Driving cars will impact the world by making driving easier, but also saving lives. That can be compared the the invention of eyeglasses in the Renaissance. Back before their invention, a lot of people were most likely near or far sighted, with varying degrees of severity. Without glasses some of these people would be disabled and unable to work or do regular daily things because they couldn't see. Glasses could ease the lives of some of the less severe cases, and drastically change the lives of people who could barely see at all. Self-driving cars will also help disabled people who typically couldn't move around on their own will now have a way to transport themselves. This compares to glasses because eyeglasses could give people with barely any sight a new chance at life to do new things and to live life easier. Also, self-driving cars will almost eliminate traffic and accidents, giving people more free time and getting tasks done quicker. Glasses also helped people get tasks done quicker, because it is obviously easier to get things done if you can see.

Brown, Molly. “Self-Driving Cars Could Reduce Accidents by 90 Percent, Become Greatest Health Achievement of the Century.” GeekWire, 29 Sept. 2015,
Chen, Aria Hangyu. “U.S. Has Highest Road Death Rate.” CNN, Cable News Network, 7 July 2016,
“Journey – Waymo.” Waymo,
LaFrance, Adrienne. “Self-Driving Cars Could Save 300,000 Lives Per Decade in America.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 29 Sept. 2015,
Pyper, ClimateWire Julia. “Self-Driving Cars Could Cut Greenhouse Gas Pollution.”Scientific American, 15 Sept. 2014,
Solon, Olivia. “Self-Driving Trucks.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 17 June 2016,


  1. "Sadly, there are some negative sides to this. If cars can drive by themselves, there won't be a need for trucker drivers anymore. The same goes for taxi drivers. Millions of jobs will be lost and the economy will have to cope with that." Although jobs will be lost in the driving field could this open jobs up in software programming? My thought is that someone must program the routes for all of these cars, trucks, and taxis to drive.

    1. Definitely in the early stages of the self-driving car development there will be a need for software engineers to help program, but as more of these cars are produced and become more autonomous I believe that those jobs will dwindle down, as there will be a time when these cars have collected data from all of the roads around the world. Also, I researched this to see if any other jobs could be created, and I found that a lot of people, such as Marc Andresseen, an entrepreneur, believes that jobs will be created, but no actual evidence was mentioned in those articles to back him up.

  2. If there is no human control what happens if a car pulls out in front of it? Can the car go where the lines of the road? If you are on a back road will the car stay in it's own lane or will it veer to the other side?

  3. The cars will be programmed to function exactly as if they are driven by a human. As you can see in the first image, there are multiple parts added on to the car to help it function. There are self-driving sensors on the front, radar sensors on the back, and many more. If you are interested in learning more, follow this link:
